<With English Translation Below>
嗨👋 大家對突如其來的網站變動肯定感到很訝異吧?
我有。 每當有這種想法時,我就會打開網站重新開始找工作。然而,卻因沒有相關經驗而不斷被拒絕,心裡想:「最好是有人一出生就有工作經驗啦!什麼至少要三年行銷經驗啊!」,再摸摸鼻子把求職網站關掉。「唉,我能力不夠,還是乖一點吧!咬著牙總可以撐過的。」隔天早晨又在痛苦中起床;日復一日,年復一年。
Hello👋 I bet that everyone must feel surprised at the sudden change to the website.
Why did you modify it? Are you not doing floral design anymore? Why are you start writing articles? I cannot believe that you even started sharing the photos you took on the website.
What are you actually thinking?
All these changes stem from fear.
It has been one and a half years since I came back to the UK. I, who graduated with a Marketing degree, am doing a non-marketing-related job to barely make ends meet. Although during this period, my confidence in English communication has significantly increased, other skills, however, have not improved much. I am terrified of this status as I seem to be easily replaced.
I am living in a foreign country that requires a visa to stay but I am doing a job that seems like people can get the hang of it facilely. If that is the case, who would be willing to sponsor me?
"I did this wrong. Am I going to get fired soon...?"
"I cannot see my value in this job."
Do you have the same feeling while working in a negative environment and under the pressure?
"I want to do something different."
"His/ Her life looks amazing. I am jealous."
Does the unchanging and boring life make you have this thought?
I do. I always start job haunting when discouragement pops into my mind. Nevertheless, I was rejected again and again by the companies because of my lack of experience. I can do nothing but tell myself that it will be fine. I can live this life. But the truth is, I look down on myself and lose the faith in changing my life. I don't trust myself to be capable of taking on any challenges. This became a vicious circle. Day after day, year after year.
I still feel so blessed that I had the experience of running a floral studio and meeting you guys via Hua during the pandemic, conveying your love and caring through the bouquets. Now that I am in the UK, I realize how difficult it is to become a freelance florist here. I will tell you about my journey in the later articles!
Despite having a steady(?) full-time job and doing part-time freelance florist, I'm still living in fear because I know there is still a lot to learn to roll with the punches for a better life. Therefore, I want to practice recording my life, then get used to "sharing", and finally achieve the goal of doing Copywriting. Managing this website will also allow me to get to know the details of digital marketing. If possible, I also want to practice my English writing skills by translating Chinese articles into English.
Instead of creating a new blog on a new platform, it is better to share it with the people who already know me and in a place which I am familiar with.
I hope that you will witness my growth, get inspired, and move towards your goals. It's okay to be frustrated occasionally but we will eventually live our ideals one day,
One step at a time.
If there is anything you are interested in or curious about, please feel free to drop me a private message!
In the days to come, I look forward to sharing my life and experience with you!
Nice to see you all here.