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🏳️‍🌈 Pride Month 同志驕傲月🏳️‍🌈

Avery Yang

With English Translation Below

彩虹象徵著 LGBTQIA+ 社群,包含女同性戀者 (Lesbian)、男同性戀者 (Gay)、雙性戀者 (Bisexual)、跨性別者 (Transgender)、酷兒/疑性戀 (Queer/Questioning)、雙性人 (Intersex)、無性戀(Asexual),以及未來更多的可能性 (+)!

-由Avery Y. 於 London Pride, 2022 拍攝





















The rainbow represents the LGBTQIA+ community, which includes lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, asexual individuals, and even more possibilities in the future (+)!

-Taken by Avery Y. at London Pride, 2022

In 2019, Taiwan became the first country in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage, marking a thrilling milestone. The legalization of same-sex marriage not only represents legal recognition but also affirms the values of love and equality. This significant milestone sends a strong message to the world: everyone has the right to pursue happiness and love, regardless of their gender identity.

This year, in addition to allowing Taiwanese citizens and foreign same-sex partners (including residents from Hong Kong and Macau) to directly register their marriages in Taiwan, Taiwan has made further progress in LGBTQIA+ rights. The amended law now allows same-sex couples to adopt children, providing not only more family choices for same-sex spouses but also more opportunities for orphaned children to receive love and support.

In terms of LGBTQIA+ issues, Taiwan's achievements go beyond legal breakthroughs; they reflect a shift in societal attitudes. Taiwanese society is gradually accepting and respecting diverse gender identities, and there is a growing open and supportive attitude toward same-sex marriage. This progress is the result of collective efforts from society, demonstrating Taiwan's determination and inclusiveness as a progressive country.


In recent years, there has been increasing attention on the issue of homosexuality. However, the cultural differences between the East and the West have resulted in significant variations in the acceptance of the LGBTQIA+ community. In the United Kingdom, influenced by individualism, most people are brave enough to express their sexual orientations and pursue personal happiness. On the other hand, in Asia where collectivism holds sway, due to the presence of traditional conservative values, same-sex marriage remains a taboo topic for certain families. In this cultural context, having different opinions or pursuing one's inner desires is sometimes seen as a selfish act, making it crucial to seek approval from family and others while conforming to societal expectations. Imperceptibly, individualism and collectivism deeply influence our perspectives on people and things.

During our childhood, whenever the term "LGBTQIA+" was mentioned, people would often evade the subject or dismiss it casually. It wasn't until high school, with the widespread use of smartphones and the internet, that I had the opportunity to learn about things that were not taught in textbooks. However, the internet was filled with speculation and derogatory remarks, leading to the negative connotation of the term "LGBTQIA+" and its avoidance in many family conversations.

Despite having legal protection, "coming out" remains a significant challenge for many people. Although I am not a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, I deeply empathize with the fear and pressure that my friends face when it comes to coming out.

Loving someone but being bound by societal restrictions on sexual orientation, unable to defend one's rights. Love is a pure emotion, yet we are expected to conform to the various rules and frameworks set by society.

While progress has been made in the legal realm, I feel proud as a Taiwanese to see the advancements; however, changing the mindset of the older generation is an incredibly difficult task. It is a long journey, and I hope that one day everyone can bravely express their love. We should respect each person's sexual orientation and emotions, and strive to create an inclusive and equal society. Regardless of gender or sexual orientation, everyone should be accepted, respected, and have the right to pursue the love they desire. Taiwan's achievements give us hope, and we should continue our efforts, hoping that more countries will follow this progressive path and create a more equal and diverse world.


This week's flowers are inspired by the rainbow flag:

Pink represents sexuality, Red for healing,

Yellow for the sun,

Green for serenity with nature,

Turquoise for art,

Indigo for harmony and Violet for the spirit.

"After the rain, the rainbow fills with strength."


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