- With English Translation

今天是小花束正式在 Workshopnumber29 登場的日子;
在這特別的一天,我想與大家分享我與 Toni 和 Tom 認識的故事。
啜飲完那杯葡萄酒,我們離開酒吧朝著停車格走去。經過了店面,發現裡面一團亂;我記得之前剛搬來這地區並到處尋找合適家具時,我們曾來過這間店: 喜歡店內的風格也很喜歡他們所販售的商品。但那時並沒多做注意,因為店內陳列的大多是服飾類商品,或是家居小物。我們就這樣在門外站了一小會兒,討論裡面的衣服多麽的好看——太過於忘我,卻沒發現這舉止實在很難不讓人注意到。「嗨!你們好嗎?」典型英國招呼起手式。「嗨!我們很好,你呢?你們正在幹嘛呀?」一小陣寒喧之後,我們了解到他們正在更換店內擺設,所以才會看起來亂糟糟的。
儘管忙碌,Toni 還是耐心地讓我逐一確認我當初喜歡的味道,同時也向我熱情地介紹這手工蠟燭品牌。
-------------- 在我重拾花藝時,Toni 也不吝嗇地給予我的「芲」機會,讓它有一個舞台閃耀。
現在每兩週就能在 Workshopnumber29 看見我的創作,也有小花束們可以採購;每兩週都會有一個主題,同時我也會與大家分享作品背後的故事。
《那一晚》喝完葡萄酒後,我在店內買了一個 柑橘與橙花 香味的手工蠟燭。


Today is the official debut of Little Posies at Workshopnumber29. On this special day, I would like to share the story of how I met Toni and Tom.
In chilly February, there was one night after grocery shopping, we found ourselves wandering into a wine bar that we had been saying to visit countless times before. Despite it being a weekday, the bar was packed, and the only available seats were the high stools by the floor-to-ceiling windows next to the door. We chatted, sipped our wine, and enjoyed the atmosphere. However, the view outside was far from picturesque as it was blocked by a delivery van. The van's owner was busy shuttling back and forth, moving decorations from the car to a store across the street. As we continued our conversation, suddenly, a shadowy figure swiftly hopped into the van, started it up, reversed, crashed into the advertising signboard in front of the wine bar, and sped away, not even bothering to close the van's side door.
"Was that a car theft? Did we just witness a car theft in action? Otherwise, how could people not even realize they knocked down a signboard? That doesn’t make sense!" I exclaimed with a mix of excitement and disbelief. (Weirdo.)
Just as I was considering whether to call the police or not, the van returned to where it was parked, and to my surprise, a kid in a uniform got off the van. Soon after, the driver also got off, closed the side door, and headed towards the shop across the street. (Yeah, he forgot to put the signboard back in place, so it remained lying on the ground.)
"Oh! So, it wasn't a car thief after all. I was just overthinking!"
After having the wine, we left the bar and made our way to the parking lot. As we passed by a storefront, we noticed it was in chaos. I remembered that when we just moved to the area and were on the hunt for furniture, we had visited this store. We liked the style and the products they sold, although, at the time, I didn't pay much attention as most of the items on display were clothing and home accessories. Standing outside the door for a while, we got lost in our own world, discussing how fabulous the clothes inside looked—unaware of how conspicuous our behavior was. "Hey there! You alright?" A typical British greeting. "Hi! Not too bad, and you? What are you guys doing?" After chatting for a bit, we knew that they were in the midst of rearranging the store's displays, hence the messy scene.
To be honest, friendly store staff is always my softest spot. Whenever I encounter them while shopping, I can't resist buying something, and this time was no exception.
"I remember there was a candle that I liked when I came here last time. May I purchase it now?"
I regretted saying it as soon as it slipped out of my mouth. It was already past 9 o'clock in the evening, not to mention they were still busy! "Of course!" Their response surprised me even more. I thought to myself, “They are ridiculously warm and hospitable.”
Despite their busyness, Toni patiently let me go through each scent to find the one I liked and enthusiastically introduced me to this handmade candle brand.
That evening unexpectedly led to a precious bond among us, and their kindness made me adore this area even more. Since then, we visited the store almost every week, searching for all the treasures. It cost me a lot of money but I couldn't help it. Over time, we went from being customers to friends— Which is my favorite business model: Becoming friends with clients.
When I restarted practicing my floristry skill, Toni generously gave "Huā" a precious opportunity to shine at Workshopnumber29.
Now, you can see my floral works every two weeks at Workshopnumber29. You may also buy the posies there. There will be different floral themes, and I will share the stories behind the works with you, just as this time.
"That Night," I bought a Mandarin & Neroli handmade candle from the store after having a glass of wine.
Flowers/ Foliage of this week:
Orange Calendula
Orange Tulips double
Red Amaranthus
White Xanth

The trailing Amaranthus represents the flow of red wine from a bottle, while the multi-petaled orange flowers (Calendula and Tulips) resemble citrus fruits (Mandarin), and the white Xanth symbolizes the orange blossom.