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Working in the Fantasy: To Be a Freelance Florist 夢幻的工作: 成為自由花藝師

Avery Yang

Updated: Apr 7, 2023






起初學習花藝,是因為興趣使然,而且在 此刻(韓式花店) 創店初期,我就很喜歡 Becky老師的作品,所以才在疫情期間回到台灣並學習花藝技巧;甚至為了能如願上到 此刻 的實習生課程,我辭去了原本的工作,因為這樣才不用趕著回英國。然而在課程結束後,疫情仍然肆虐,我過著無業的生活同時燒著老本,天天渾渾噩噩地過著日子,等待著疫情趨緩回英國的那天。某一天,我轉念一想:「既然我的人生目標不外乎是經營一間店或是成為自由工作者,那何不趁現在嘗試經營花店順便累積作品集?也看看自己的能力是否能吸引到客戶。」順利的,我在那短暫的五個月內認識了很多可愛的客人,也了解到我的美感有人欣賞——這真的是再好不過了。






在那之後,除了兼職工作以外,我也同時尋找任何「可能的機會」,甚至還開始想:「要不去超市當賣花的少女?」——真的是走投無路。 #抱歉但英國超市所販售的花真的沒長在我的價值觀上



我成功了! 他們看見了我的努力!



「世界上最快樂的事,莫過於為理想而奮鬥。」—— 蘇格拉底


I have been interested in being a freelancer since young.

Freedom is understood as either having the ability to act or change without constraint or possessing the power and resources to fulfill one's purposes unhindered.

This is exactly what I have dreamed about because I hate to be controlled and told what to do. However, it is not as easy as how it seems on the surface. To be a freelancer, you will need to equip yourself with not only professional skills but also the abilities of time management, communication and promotion, etc. In short, you, yourself, are a walking company. You must create a stage for yourself to shine and let people notice you.


At the beginning of my floristry journey, it was out of my interest and curiosity in floral arrangement techniques. I have also liked Tutor Becky’s floral works since “At the Close (A floral shop)” started. These are the reasons why I even quit my job in the UK and went back to Taiwan for the florist internship program in “At the Close” so I didn’t need to rush going back to the UK.

After the program, the pandemic was still raging. I didn't have any income and could only spend my savings muddling along day after day while waiting for the return date to come. One day, a second thought came to my mind, “Since my life goal is nothing more than running a shop or becoming a freelancer, why not try to run a flower shop now and accumulate a portfolio at the same time? I can also test myself to see if I am capable of attracting customers." Luckily, I met a lot of lovely clients within those 5 months and realized that people did appreciate my aesthetic. What a surprise! This couldn't be better.

Back in London with this enthusiasm and hope, I sent many resumes to several floral shops/ studios but unfortunately, I didn't hear anything back. The reality threw me a bucket of cold water. The cost of living in London was high, and my savings were running low. I couldn't be living such a life anymore, thus I started looking for a job that would make ends meet.

During the epidemic, many British companies have switched to being remote or hybrid for the long term, and some companies have even begun the "Four-day workweek trial". I was lucky to get a full-time job referred by a close friend. This job allows me to work from home most of the time. It only requires me to occasionally go into the office for meetings. The salary is also enough for me to live an okay life in London.

Despite having a stable income, I didn't give up my goal to be a freelance florist. I continued to look for any opportunities related to floristry in my spare time.

Apart from English skills and portfolio, most of the floristry-related vacancies require the candidates to have driving licenses, and can "really" drive. The roads in London are small and narrow compared to the ones in Taiwan, and there aren't even any street lights on some of them. For me, it’s like playing bumper cars. Although I used to shuttle through the streets and alleys in Taipei every day, I am still afraid of driving here. Anyways, I bit the bullet and continued to apply (or I had to give up because of this dumb reason), but the result was still the same: No one hired me. Even though this was expected due to the fact that the pandemic just slowed down and there were few openings, I still could not help myself from gradually losing confidence.

After that, I was open to any "possible opportunities", not limited to part-time jobs. It is no exaggeration to say that I even started considering going to the supermarket to sell the bouquets. You can tell how desperate I was.

Finally, after half a year of hard work, I got an opportunity to "gain work experience" at my favorite floral studio in the UK. It however was an unpaid job, and I had to take annual leaves and weekends; Nevertheless, it was a real pleasure to be able to do the wedding setup with an incredibly outstanding team and learn in a comfortable and respectful environment.

A few months later, I received an email from the studio towards the end of the wedding season: "We are currently choosing our freelance team for next season and also wanted to ask whether you would be interested in freelancing for us on events?” You have no idea how excited I was when I read the email. I was feeling on top of the world!

I made it! My effort was recognised!


Living in a foreign country is challenging. As I mentioned above, besides language skills, you have to stand out from the crowd in your profession. Facing the unknown, I’m not sure where this passion for floristry will go, and I know there is still a lot to learn. No matter what, I have persisted and finally have a start on this journey.

“There's no greater happiness than striving for one's ideal in the world.” — Socrates


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